A Court of Thorns and Roses (series) by Sarah J. Maas


Book Review: A Court of Thorns and Roses (series)

Prepare to be swept away! A Court of Thorns and Roses is a captivating and fast-paced romance fantasy series, written by Sarah J. Maas. These books will mesmerize and completely enthrall readers from start to finish! 

In her books, Maas creates a unique world with complex characters. The first four books follow Feyre, a young woman from the mortal lands of Prythian, living with her father and two sisters. Although, everything changes when she is forced to live in the land of the Fae. The Faerie lands are divided into multiple courts (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Dawn, Day, and Night), and Feyre is taken “captive” into the Spring Court, by its ruler Tamlin. Little does she know what future awaits her. Throughout the books, Feyre’s journey is full of magic, love, loss, and war. There are many unexpected events that occur, and Maas keeps her readers on the edge of their seat, full of suspense.

The latest book, A Court of Silver Flames, follows Feyre’s sister, Nesta. Even though there is a shift in the main character, Feyre still makes appearances (don’t worry!). This book is full of war and battles against evil forces; however, one of the most prominent battles is the internal struggle that Nesta faces with self-forgiveness and letting go of fear. Once Nesta can learn to forgive herself and trust others, she opens her heart to experiencing love and recognizing the beauty in the world around her. 

There are many prominent themes in this series, including forgiveness, love, mental health, gender roles, self-improvement, and trust. Personally, I really admired that the topic of mental health was prominent in this series. I think that it’s extremely important for people to recognize when a loved one is in need of help, and to encourage them to not only seek help, but to also engage in activities that will benefit their overall health. This is evident in Feyre’s behavior towards Nesta, even if Nesta does not realize it in the beginning — Feyre only wants what is in Nesta’s best interest. We also see Feyre struggle with depression in A Court of Mist and Fury, which she overcomes with the right support system. 

Overall, Maas certainly leaves her readers eager for the next installment (fingers crossed for 2022!). I highly recommend this series, as it’s full of adventure and romance, and extremely imaginative!