In Five Years by Rebecca Serle


Book Review: In Five Years

This book was surprisingly good! It was completely unexpected. For the sake of not giving anything away (which would be REALLY easy to do), this review is going to be relatively short.

In the first few pages you learn about the main character (Dannie) and how she has a dream that’s set five years into the future, and then she wakes up and the rest of the book is set in the normal time/place. She then lives each day questioning what the dream meant. Is she really happy? Is her life plan really all it should be? Is she settling? 

This book is a love story, but not one you’d ever anticipate. The themes of finding oneself, not settling for less than we deserve, and being there for those we love, rings true throughout the novel. 

Personally, I feel that everyone goes through a stage (whether that be in their 20s or 30s) and they question what the next five years will look like, and if they’re on the right path to achieving their goals.

Many of us (at some point) question whether our jobs and relationships are making us happy, it’s just a part of life. Sometimes, it takes a major life event for us to realize that we need to make a change in our lives to truly find happiness.  

In short, I would say that I recommend this book. It’s a quick read, but make sure you grab a box of tissues!