Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer


Book Review: Midnight Sun 

Ah, the Twilight series…where to begin! I remember loving this series when I first read the books about 13 years ago. Granted, the writing wasn’t the best, but the plot definitely kept my 15-year old self interested. 

When I first heard that Midnight Sun was being released, I was secretly excited, not knowing what to expect. This book was the same plot as the first Twilight novel, but told from Edward’s perspective instead of from Bella’s. Honestly, it was a lot better than I thought it would be. I even thought that the writing in this particular book was better than the originals (although, I haven't read the others in many years, as I mentioned above). It was refreshing to read the story from a different perspective and to get another view into the lives of the Cullens. This book made Edward even more personable and human (for a vampire). 

After having read this book, it reminded me of how much fun the series is — a nice escape from the seriousness of everything that is going on in the world today. I am totally tempted to go back and re-read the other books in the series, starting with New Moon. I am curious as to whether Stephenie Meyer will write any other books from Edward’s perspective; although, from what I’ve seen online, it does not seem that this is likely to happen.

At any rate, if you are a Twilight fan and you’re like me, not having read the books in many years, I recommend checking this book out! It’s a quick read and a great blast from the past.

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